Firefighter Workers’ Compensation Claims in Nevada

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Frequently Asked Questions

When you schedule your free consultation with a personal injury lawyer in Reno, Nevada, you should come prepared with specific questions for us to address.

The first thing you do is see a doctor. Also, inform your supervisor about the injury as soon as you can. Keep in mind it’s important to report injuries quickly.

If you’ve been a firefighter for at least 2 years, heart and lung diseases are automatically considered work-related. Report it to your employer as soon as you’re diagnosed.

In Nevada, you usually need to see a doctor approved by your employer or their insurance company. But there are sometimes exceptions, so it’s good to ask about your options.

In most cases, many claims are denied at first but get approved later. This is where having a lawyer really helps. Our workers’ compensation lawyers will appeal the decision and fight for your rights.

In Nevada, you generally have 90 days to report an injury, but do it right away. For illnesses that develop over time, like some cancers, you should report it as soon as you’re diagnosed.

If you can’t return to firefighting because of a heart or lung condition, you might be able to get your wages paid for life. For other injuries or illnesses, there are programs to help you train for a new job.

Yes, in Nevada, PTSD is covered for firefighters under workers’ compensation. If you’re struggling with PTSD from your job, you can get help.

Often, the type of cancer must be duty-related or caused by exposure to heat, a known carcinogen, or radiation. The types of cancer that are covered can change, so it’s best to talk to a lawyer about your specific situation.

While you’re not required to have a lawyer, having one can make a big difference. Workers’ comp laws can be complicated, especially for firefighters with special protections. A lawyer can help make sure you get all the benefits you deserve.


This page has been written, edited, and reviewed by a team of legal writers following our comprehensive editorial guidelines. This page was approved by Managing Partner, Craig W. Kidwell who has more than 20 years of legal experience as a personal injury attorney.